
The EPS publishes a variety of publications

EPS Newsletter

The EPS Newsletter is published twice per year to review the latest developments in the world of peptide science.

The latest issue and all issues back to 1990 can be downloaded in PDF format.

Peptide Science

Journal of Peptide Science

The Journal of Peptide Science is the official journal of the European Peptide Society and is published by John Wiley & Sons.

Available online only, an annual subscription provides:

  • 12 issues of key primary research on all aspects of peptide chemistry, biochemistry and biology
  • International research from institutions of excellence throughout North America, Asia Pacific and Europe, including Nobel laureate contributions
  • Original articles, rapid communications, invited reviews, special issues and major conference abstracts/supplements

The journal deals with all aspects of peptide science, including the following topics:

Journal of Peptide Science

Available in iTunes

  • Synthesis
  • Analysis
  • Isolation
  • Characterization by physico-chemical and other means
  • Methodology
  • Biology and immunology of peptides and related compounds

Submit your manuscript today and receive automatic entry into the Journal of Peptide Science Best Publication Award. This award, worth EUR2,000, is presented annually and the winners are promoted on the journal homepage.


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